Worship at the chapel 24th July – 4th Sept

We will meet for worship at 10am on Sundays throughout the summer holidays.

Provision for children and young people

Sunday Club (for primary aged children) will run on 24th & 31st July and 28th August.  Start in the chapel with everyone, then move out to join Tim and the team for fun activities.

BBC Youth will take a break over the summer, and will resume on 11th September.

Sunday 4th September

This is the date of Battel Bonfire Boyes annual 10k race through the town.  We will meet at 4pm for worship.


Living with COVID-19

All legal restrictions related to COVID-19 have now been lifted.  However Trustees of Life with Hope Trust (Battle Baptist Church) feel it is sensible to continue with some safety measures to reduce the risk of spread of the virus.  Therefore we ask that you: 

  • Do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19;
  • Do not attend if you have had COVID-19 until you have tested negative on two consecutive days;
  • Sanitise your hands on entry to the building;
  • Respect other people’s desire to maintain social distancing.

We will continue to ensure that the premises is well ventilated.

We appreciate your cooperation with these measures – thank you.